Big Tree: Information for ZZ61
Lead With SNP: ZZ61.
Upstream Blocks:
Mutations in Block:
Names | Region | Unc | McDonald BED | combBED | POS-ANC-DER (hg19) | POS-ANC-DER (hg38) | Notes |
ZZ61 | See notes below. | ||||||
ZZ62 | See notes below. | ||||||
A19290 | IR3_Prx | 9577022-A-C | 9739413-A-C | See notes below. |
*Mutations whose exact position can't be determined precisely from NGS tests, such as those in palindromes, are shown with a pink background.
The combBED column indicates whether or not the mutation is a SNP and falls in the combBED region defined in Defining a New Rate Constant for Y-Chromosome SNPs based on Full Sequencing Data by Dmitry Adamov, Vladimir Guryanov, Sergey Karzhavin, Vladimir Tagankin, Vadim Urasin, The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy (Русская версия), Vol 6, No 2 (2014)/Vol 7, No 1 (2015).
The McDonald BED column indicates whether or not the mutation is a SNP and falls in the BED region used by Dr. Iain McDonald in the age analysis he does for R-U106 men.
Region | Names | POS-REF-ALT (hg19) | POS-REF-ALT (hg38) |
P3_t1 | ZZ61_1 | 24351501-G-T | 22205354-G-T |
P3_t2 | ZZ61_2 | 24527211-C-A | 22381064-C-A |
Region | Names | POS-REF-ALT (hg19) | POS-REF-ALT (hg38) |
DYZ19 | - | 22310969-A-G | 20149083-A-G |
DYZ19 | ZZ62_1 FGC72390 | 22432076-A-G | 20270190-A-G |
Haplotype Data
The data below reveals the progression of changes in the haplotype. These are the inferred ancestral haplotypes for various upstream blocks. These inferred haplotypes are a work in progress, and any suggested modifications are appreciated. Mutations made from each upstream block are shown in sequence. The cell color is determined by the block in which the mutation took place.
DYS393 | DYS390 | DYS19 | DYS391 | DYS385 | DYS426 | DYS388 | DYS439 | DYS389i | DYS392 | DYS389ii | DYS458 | DYS459 | DYS455 | DYS454 | DYS447 | DYS437 | DYS448 | DYS449 | DYS464 | DYS460 | Y-GATA-H4 | YCAII | DYS456 | DYS607 | DYS576 | DYS570 | CDY | DYS442 | DYS438 | DYS531 | DYS578 | DYF395S1 | DYS590 | DYS537 | DYS641 | DYS472 | DYF406S1 | DYS511 | DYS425 | DYS413 | DYS557 | DYS594 | DYS436 | DYS490 | DYS534 | DYS450 | DYS444 | DYS481 | DYS520 | DYS446 | DYS617 | DYS568 | DYS487 | DYS572 | DYS640 | DYS492 | DYS565 | DYS710 | DYS485 | DYS632 | DYS495 | DYS540 | DYS714 | DYS716 | DYS717 | DYS505 | DYS556 | DYS549 | DYS589 | DYS522 | DYS494 | DYS533 | DYS636 | DYS575 | DYS638 | DYS462 | DYS452 | DYS445 | Y-GATA-A10 | DYS463 | DYS441 | Y-GGAAT-1B07 | DYS525 | DYS712 | DYS593 | DYS650 | DYS532 | DYS715 | DYS504 | DYS513 | DYS561 | DYS552 | DYS726 | DYS635 | DYS587 | DYS643 | DYS497 | DYS510 | DYS434 | DYS461 | DYS435 |