Upstream Blocks:

R-P312/S116 > Z40481 > ZZ11 > DF27/S250 > Z195/S355 > Z272 > S450 > ZZ40 > FGC23342 > FGC28370




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hg19 hg38

Mutations in Block:

NamesRegionUncMcDonald BEDcombBEDPOS-ANC-DER (hg19)POS-ANC-DER (hg38)Notes
FGC28370 YY7531041-A-G7663000-A-G
FGC28372 13212218-G-A11056542-G-A
FGC28373 YY14201386-T-C12080680-T-C
FGC28374 YY14869782-C-T12757852-C-T
FGC28375 Y16089291-G-A13977411-G-A
FGC28376 YY16741365-C-T14629485-C-T
FGC28378 YY18123397-C-T16011517-C-T
FGC28379 YY21117962-T-C18956076-T-C
FGC28380 YY21225527-T-C19063641-T-C
FGC28368 YY22187768-G-C20025882-G-C
FGC28381 DYZ19 22444573-G-T20282687-G-T
FGC81525 P1_g2 26664793-A-C24518646-A-C

*Mutations whose exact position can't be determined precisely from NGS tests, such as those in palindromes, are shown with a pink background.

The combBED column indicates whether or not the mutation is a SNP and falls in the combBED region defined in Defining a New Rate Constant for Y-Chromosome SNPs based on Full Sequencing Data by Dmitry Adamov, Vladimir Guryanov, Sergey Karzhavin, Vladimir Tagankin, Vadim Urasin, The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy (Русская версия), Vol 6, No 2 (2014)/Vol 7, No 1 (2015).

The McDonald BED column indicates whether or not the mutation is a SNP and falls in the BED region used by Dr. Iain McDonald in the age analysis he does for R-U106 men.